A Guide for a Long Road Trip in India with an EV!

Are you planning for an extraordinary road trip across the breathtaking landscapes of India with your electric vehicle (EV)? 

As the leading EV charger & charging accessories manufacturer, EV Fast is delighted to present the Travel EV Charger, your ultimate companion for an unforgettable and eco-friendly journey. 

Moreover, with a focus on sustainability and efficiency, we have curated a list of essential accessories to ensure a smooth road trip experience. So, fasten your seatbelts as we explore the must-have items every EV traveller needs on a long road trip.

So, these are some of the essentials you’ll need to pack for an EV road trip in India:

1. Travel EV charger: 

A travel EV charger is a portable charger that you can use to charge your EV at any standard 120V or 240V outlet. This is essential for road tripping with an EV, as it allows you to charge your car even if you’re not near a dedicated charging station.

2. Charging cable: 

The charging cable is the cable that connects your travel EV charger to your EV. It’s important to make sure that you have the right type of charging cable for your EV, as not all cables are compatible with all EVs. EV Fast has a premium range of Charging  Cables for your needs.

3. Map of charging stations: 

A map of charging stations is essential for planning your route when road tripping with an EV. This will help you to ensure that you’ll have enough charging stations along your route to make it to your destination without running out of battery.

4. Backup plan: 

It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case you run out of battery while road tripping with an EV. This could include carrying spare parts, knowing how to deal with traffic jams.

Other than these essentials, here are some driving tips you need to follow with your EV:

1. Driving at lower speeds: 

The faster you drive, the more battery power you will use. This is because the faster you drive, the more air resistance you will encounter, which will require more energy to overcome.

2. Using cruise control: 

Cruise control can help you maintain a steady speed, which will help you conserve battery power. This is because cruise control helps you to avoid sudden acceleration and braking, which are two of the biggest battery drains.

When you use cruise control, your car will automatically adjust its speed to maintain the set speed. This means that you don’t have to constantly press the accelerator or brake, which can help you to save battery power.

3. Avoiding sudden acceleration and braking: 

Sudden acceleration and braking will also use more battery power. This is because these actions require more energy to overcome the inertia of your car.

So, if you are trying to conserve battery power, it is important to avoid sudden acceleration and braking. Instead, try to accelerate and brake smoothly.

4. Taking breaks: 

If you are driving for long distances, it is important to take breaks to stretch your legs and let your car cool down. This will help you avoid range anxiety and keep your car running smoothly.

In conclusion, this is a guide you need to follow while opting for a road trip in India. Moreover, remember to buy a Travel EV Charger from a reputable manufacturer like EV Fast before you leave your home.