Maintenance Guide for the EV Charger of Your Vehicle

Owning the Best EV Charger is essential whether you are a regular user of electronic vehicles or a first time buyer. EVs have gained rapid popularity in recent years. By most standards, using an electric vehicle is far more environmentally friendly than operating a gas powered vehicle. When fossil fuels are used, they release a lot of carbon dioxide, which traps heat in the atmosphere and causes climate change. EVs are a sustainable energy use solution. 

EV charging stations that are properly maintained are becoming more and more important as EVs gain popularity. However, more and more users are also opting for home charging mechanisms for better convenience. You can surely use the public charging stations but is recommended to use the same charger and connection your vehicle is accustomed to. 

With the electric vehicle revolution well underway, it is essential to maintain these charging stations (whether home or commercial) regularly to guarantee their security and dependability.

Maintenance Guide 

As with most electronic products, taking good care of an EV Charger will help you avoid having to replace it. Let’s see how.

Fixing malfunctions immediately

If a component malfunctions or breaks, the manufacturer may provide replacements or repairs (particularly if the charger is still covered by warranty). Additionally, there is a developing sector dedicated to servicing and fixing EV Chargers, and many do-it-yourselfers provide free video tutorials video.

Maintaining cleanliness

Even if you purchase the charger with the longest warranty and highest efficiency from the Best EV Charger brand, a bit of routine cleanliness would only add to the assurance of longevity and performance. By wiping off any excess dust and moisture that accumulates on its exterior surfaces you can ensure that there will be no degradation to the metal and plastic material over time. 

Temperature check

Extreme temperature conditions are not ideal for any connection or appliances. It is recommended not to install your charger at locations exposed to such extremes. 

Safety check

Occasional visual safety checks such as inspection of the cable, connection and power supply are enough.

The first step towards a long lasting and efficiently performing EV Charger is choosing the right product from the right brand. EV Fast is one such reputed brand highly favoured by regular EV users. EV Charger from EV Fast is an investment worth the benefits. Apart from exceptional durability and reliable performance, chargers from EV Fast come with premium features like longer power cords, multiple installation options, weatherproof exterior for outdoor installation, etc. Make a wise choice for a trouble free experience!

Learning about AC EV charger

As electric vehicles (EVs) gain popularity worldwide, the need for efficient and accessible charging infrastructure becomes paramount. AC chargers, also known as Alternating Current chargers, play a significant role in providing power to EVs. In this article, we will explore the functionality and benefits of AC chargers in the context of charging electric vehicles.

Understanding AC Chargers:

AC chargers are the most common type of chargers found in homes, workplaces, and public charging stations. They utilize the existing alternating current electrical grid to charge EVs. AC chargers typically come in two power levels: Level 1 and Level 2.

Level 1 AC Chargers:

Level 1 AC chargers are the most basic type of charger and are usually included with the purchase of an electric vehicle. They are designed to be plugged into a standard household outlet, providing convenience for EV owners. However, Level 1 chargers have a slower charging speed, typically delivering around 3-5 miles of range per hour of charging. They are best suited for overnight charging at home or when no other charging options are available.

Level 2 AC Chargers:

Level 2 AC chargers provide faster charging speeds compared to Level 1 chargers. They require a dedicated 240-volt electrical circuit and are commonly found in public charging stations, workplaces, and homes with proper electrical installations. Level 2 chargers can provide around 10-30 miles of range per hour of charging, depending on the vehicle’s battery capacity and the charger’s power output. This makes them ideal for quick top-ups during the day or when you need a faster charge.

Benefits of AC Chargers:

1. Accessibility: AC chargers are widely available and can be installed in various locations, including residential areas, commercial buildings, and public spaces. This accessibility ensures that EV owners have convenient access to charging infrastructure.

2. Cost-Effective: AC chargers are generally more affordable to install compared to DC fast chargers, making them a cost-effective option for both individuals and businesses. This affordability contributes to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

3. Compatibility: AC chargers are compatible with most electric vehicles on the market. Whether you own a Tesla or another brand, you can easily find an AC charger that suits your vehicle’s charging needs.

In the world of AC chargers, one notable company is EV Fast, a leading manufacturer of EV AC chargers. They specialize in producing high-quality chargers, including their 3.3kW EV charger. As an EV AC charger manufacturer, EV Fast is committed to providing reliable and efficient charging solutions for electric vehicle owners. With their expertise and dedication to sustainability, EV Fast is playing a crucial role in shaping the future of electric mobility.

Charging Etiquette: Best Practices for Using Public EV Chargers

In the realm of sustainable transportation, Electric Vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a game-changer, offering an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-powered cars. As the world shifts towards a greener future, the importance of public EV chargers cannot be overstated. Leading the charge in this endeavour, EV Fast, as a renowned EV charger manufacturer in India, presents an article to bring you some of the best Practices that one should follow while Using Public EV Chargers . 

Best Practices for Using Public Electric Vehicle Chargers

1. Plan Ahead for Seamless Charging.

A crucial element of responsible EV charging is foresight. Before embarking on your journey, use online maps & apps to locate the nearest public charging stations. This strategic planning ensures you can make an informed decision about your route and charging stops, thus reducing the risk of range anxiety.

2. Time Management Matters.

Public charging stations are communal resources and time is of the essence. Avoid prolonged stays after your EV is adequately charged. Promptly move your vehicle to allow other EV owners access to the charging spot. This not only demonstrates consideration but also promotes efficient utilisation of the charging infrastructure.

3. Embrace the ‘Top-Up’ Philosophy.

Incorporate the ‘top-up’ approach into your charging routine. Rather than depleting your battery completely before charging, plug in whenever you find an available charging station. This not only minimises waiting times for fellow EV drivers but also prolongs your battery’s lifespan by avoiding deep discharges.

4. Parking Discipline at Charging Stations.

The primary purpose of a public charging station is to refuel EVs, not serve as a parking lot. Once your vehicle is fully charged, promptly vacate the charging spot to make room for others. Remember, courteous parking practices can make all the difference in maintaining a positive charging experience for everyone.

5. Be Mindful of Charging Speeds.

With the 3.3 KW EV Charger, you have a reliable and efficient tool to get your EV charged. However, it’s essential to recognize that different chargers offer varying speeds. If you require a quick charge to continue your journey, look for high-power chargers. Conversely, if you’re parked for an extended period, consider using standard chargers, allowing others to access fast chargers when in a rush.

6. Report Technical Issues.

Whenever you encounter any problems with the charging station, such as a malfunction or connectivity issues, report them to the appropriate authorities or the EV charger manufacturer. This collaborative effort ensures that the charging infrastructure remains functional for all users.

7. Leave No Trace.

Maintain the charging station area as you found it or even better. Dispose of any trash responsibly and refrain from leaving behind charging cables in a tangled mess. A clean and organised charging station reflects the values of the EV community—environmental consciousness & consideration for others.

In conclusion, the article provides guidance on proper etiquette when using public EV chargers. It emphasises planning ahead to locate charging stations, efficiently managing charging time, adopting a ‘top-up’ approach, practising parking discipline, considering charging speeds, reporting technical issues and maintaining cleanliness at charging stations. Following these practices ensures a smoother experience for all EV users and contributes to a more effective and considerate use of charging infrastructure.

Everything You Need to Know About Portable EV Chargers

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, and with them comes the need for convenient and reliable charging options. Portable EV chargers are the solution to this problem, allowing EV owners to charge their cars anywhere, anytime. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about portable EV chargers, including their types, how they work, what factors to consider when buying one, and the top portable EV chargers on the market.

Types of Portable EV Chargers

 There are three types of portable EV chargers: Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers. Level 1 chargers use a standard household outlet and provide a charging speed of around 4-5 miles per hour. Level 2 chargers use a 240-volt outlet and provide a charging speed of up to 25 miles per hour. DC fast chargers are the fastest type of charger and can charge an EV to 80% in 30 minutes.

Portable EV Chargers

How Portable EV Chargers Work

 A portable EV charger consists of a charging unit, a power cord, and a plug. The charger is connected to the EV through the charging port, and the power cord is plugged into a power source. The charger then converts the AC power from the outlet into DC power that is used to charge the EV battery.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Portable EV Charger

There are several factors to consider when buying a portable EV charger, including charging speed, compatibility with your EV, portability, safety features, and price. The charging speed you need will depend on your daily driving habits and the range of your EV. 

You should also ensure the charger is compatible with your EV’s charging port and voltage requirements. Portability is also an important factor, especially if you need to carry the charger with you. Safety features like overcurrent protection and ground fault detection are essential, and you should also consider the price and warranty.

Top Portable EV Chargers on the Market

The market is flooded with portable EV chargers, making it hard to choose the best one. Always go for reliable EV charger manufacturers or companies. Conduct thorough R&D before choosing a travel EV charger. Go for chargers that offer fast charging speeds, are compatible with a range of EVs, and have safety features that ensure safe charging.

Tips for Using a Portable EV Charger

You should follow some best practices to get the most out of your portable EV charger. Firstly, always ensure that the charger is properly connected to both the EV and the power source. You should also charge your EV at the recommended amperage and voltage to avoid damaging the battery. When not in use, store the charger in a cool, dry place to prevent damage to the unit.


Portable EV chargers are a game-changer for EV owners, providing the flexibility to charge their cars anywhere, anytime. When buying a portable EV charger, consider the charging speed, compatibility, portability, safety features, and price. By following some best practices, you can get the most out of your portable EV charger and enjoy the convenience of charging your EV on the go.

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The Future of Electric Vehicles: The Growing Need for Charging Infrastructure

As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise in India, the need for a robust charging infrastructure becomes paramount. With EV Fast, a leading EV Charging Station Manufacturer in India, at the forefront, the future of electric mobility looks promising. This blog will delve into the importance of charging infrastructure, particularly in cities like Delhi, and how it plays a crucial role in shaping the future of electric vehicles.

The Rising Popularity of Electric Vehicles

Technological advancements as well as numerous environmental benefits offered by EVs is resulting in its adoption as a sustainable mobility option by cities across India. And with the emphasis being made by the Indian Government, to adopt EV as replacement to traditionally powered vehicles, EV’s adoption will increase further. This massive shift in mode of mobility across India, demands a strong charging infrastructure, which is being made possible by EV Charging Station providers across India like EV Fast.

The Role of Charging Infrastructure

Charging infrastructure acts as the backbone of the electric vehicle ecosystem. It ensures that EV owners have convenient and reliable access to charging facilities, thereby addressing range anxiety and enabling long-distance travel. 

In cities like Delhi, where traffic congestion is a challenge, it is crucial to have an extensive network of charging stations strategically placed throughout the city. This allows EV owners to charge their vehicles conveniently, whether at home, work or public locations.

EV Fast’s Commitment to Charging Infrastructure:

As an esteemed EV Charging Station Manufacturer in India, EV Fast is dedicated to building a comprehensive charging infrastructure. With a diverse range of charging solutions, including AC and DC fast chargers, they cater to the varying needs of EV owners. EV Fast focuses on delivering reliable, user-friendly and technologically advanced charging stations that are compatible with different EV models. Their commitment to sustainability and innovation positions them as a key player in driving the future of electric mobility in India.

Benefits of Charging Infrastructure:

A robust charging infrastructure offers numerous benefits to EV owners, cities and the environment. It promotes the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. 

Additionally, a well-planned charging infrastructure can stimulate economic growth, create jobs and attract investment. For cities like Delhi, investing in charging infrastructure is crucial to tackle pollution and provide residents with cleaner transportation alternatives.

We can conclude that the  future of electric vehicles in India relies heavily on the growth of charging infrastructure. With EV Fast, a leading EV Charging Station Manufacturer in India, playing a vital role, the prospects are bright. By prioritizing the development of charging infrastructure, we can accelerate the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable transportation future.

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